Helping Habitats (Birdfeeder)
· Craft Roll
· Sun Butter
· Wooden Butter Knife
· Compostable Tray
· Bird Seed
· Biodegradable Twine
Bee Hotel
· Craft Roll
· 15 Paper Straws
· Scissors
· Paper Washi Tape
· Biodegradable Twine
· Bee Stickers
Butterfly Feeder
· Glass Jar With Hole in Lid
· Small Sponge
· Biodegradable Twine
· Sticker Sheet
· Sugar
· Water (not included)
1. Using the butter knife, spread the Sun Butter onto the outside of the craft roll. Note: You may need paper towels, as this can be messy! Work on top of the tray to avoid getting Sun Butter on other surfaces.
2. Pour the bird seed into the tray. Roll the craft roll in the seeds so that they stick to the Sun Butter. Do this until the roll is completely covered.
3. Place one piece of biodegradable twine through the roll and tie it into a big loop. This is where the bird feeder will hang from.
4. Hang the birdfeeder outside and wait for birds to come, or place the birdfeeder in the STEM SAK bag to save it for later. All parts of the birdfeeder are biodegradable, so it is okay to leave it outside!
Bee Hotel
1. Using the scissors, cut each of the 15 paper straws in half.
2. Gather the straws into a bunch so that they fit inside the craft roll. If it’s difficult to keep them together, tape them together with the Washi tape.
3. Completely tape over one end of the craft roll. This will be the back of the bee hotel—bees like to have dark places where they can hide!
4. Use the bee stickers to decorate the bee hotel.
5. Tie each end of one of the pieces of biodegradable twine to each end of the bee hotel. This is where it will hang from.
6. Hang or place the bee hotel outside somewhere where it will not get directly rained on. After a few days, look for mud covering some of the holes—this means that bees are using the hotel! The materials used for the bee hotel are biodegradable, so it is okay to leave it outside!
Butterfly Feeder
1. Decorate the jar with the stickers—this will hold the butterfly food!
2. Remove the lid from the jar and press the sponge through the hole. It may help to cut the sponge, but don’t make it too small! It should fit snugly.
3. Add a small amount of water to the sponge so that it expands. It should be in a position where it will not come out of the hole.
4. Tie one end of one of the pieces of biodegradable twine around the neck of the jar with the other end tucked under the opposite side of the loop. Tie a knot in the big loop of string where the feeder will hang from against the bottom of the jar. This will keep the jar upside down as it is hanging.
5. Add a small amount of water and sugar to the jar. Butterflies like sugar water! Replace the lid with the sponge in the hole.
6. Hold the feeder from the string with the jar upside down to make sure it doesn’t leak—this should be done over a sink or tray,
7. Hang the butterfly feeder outside and wait for the butterflies! Refill as needed. Pick some flowers and tuck them under the strings to attract more butterflies. Bring the feeder inside when it gets cold out, and reuse it next year!
Science Behind it!
We are creating habitats for animals today. What is a habitat? A habitat is any place where an animal lives or more specifically any living thing. The things that are needed in a habitat are food, water, and shelter (a place to live). Your habitat may look different than your friend or neighbors habitat. Different animals have different habitats around the world. For example, a gorilla lives in a rainforest. What are some that you can think of? Did you know that an animal can live somewhere else if their needs are not met such as their food, water, and shelter.
These habitats are created from biodegradable materials. Let’s break down the word biodegradable. The word “bio” means life or living. The word “grad” means to step or move. The part “de” means downward. Therefore, we get something describing things that can be broken down into basic substances through normal environmental processes such as a leaf dying or cardboard breaking down into simple substances. What are some other items in your everyday life that are biodegradable? How can this help the environment? Enjoy making these creatures happier in their habitats that are very helpful to them and our world. Take care of our world and always leave an area better than you found it.