OH WOW!® The Roger & Gloria Jones Children’s Center for Science & Technology is a world-class, regional tourist destination in downtown Youngstown, Ohio where more than one million children and their families have explored the possibilities and imagined the future. That future is becoming today’s reality, because of your commitment to our mission. Thank you!
On behalf of our Board of Directors, staff, volunteers, members, and the entire community, we thank you for your support! Our future, our children’s future, and the future of our community depend upon you. Thank you for your consideration.

OH WOW!® The Roger & Gloria Jones Children’s Center for Science & Technology provides countless opportunities for children to learn and improve their critical thinking skills as they are introduced to a variety of STEM topics that will help them grow. Your financial support and your recommendations to friends and family are responsible for our shared success. Thank you! We appreciate your invaluable contributions in 2021!
We can help you identify a gift that fits your goals. Call 330-744-5914 today to learn more.
We sincerely apologize for any omissions or errors in our list of Community Partners. Please contact us to report a needed correction. Thank you!