Silly Science Sunday

Join us for our 15th annual STREM Festival on Sunday, September 14, 2025, 11 AM - 4 PM at Wean Park.

OH WOW! spills onto Wean Park, downtown Youngstown, for a festival focused on hands-on, interactive STEM displays, exhibits, and stage shows!

Join us at Silly Science Sunday and enjoy free parking at parking lots indicated on the map. Street parking is also available.

Admission Free - no registration required

Get Involved

Become an exhibitor Apply online 
Become a food vendor - Apply online 

*Chrome cookies and cache may need to be cleared for registration) 

Contact, Colleen, or 330.744.5914

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Thank you to our 2024 sponsors
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Akron Children’s
The Business Journal
Youngstown State University STEM College
Valley STEM ME2 Academy
Daystar Marketing
Alta Care Group
Joy Cone Co.
MG Electric LLC
NEO Impact Academy
Hynes Industries

Carpenters Local Union 171
Pizza Joe's
Dunkin Donuts
Western Reserve Building Trades
York Mahoning Mechanical Contractors
AVI Foodsystems
Baird Brothers Sawmill
City Machine Technologies Inc
Compass Family
Murphy Contracting Company
Fireline Incorporated